Director: Woody Allen
Labai smagus filmas. Turbūt daugiausia pripildytas Alleno išminties.
Pagrindinis herojus – pasenęs jaunuolis, buvęs fizikas, į gyvenimą žiūrintis su didžiuliu atsargumu, matantis visur galimas blogybes. Aišku, pilnas savos gyvenimiškos išminties, kurią drąsiai skelbia visiems, kuriuos sutinka.
O gi sutiko jis vieną vakarą merginą prie savo namų. Jaunutę, taip gavos, kad priėmė ją gyventi pas save, nes ši neturėjo kur daugiau besidėti. Gyvenimas taip vystėsi, kad ėmė ir susituokė jie. Viskas ramiai ir gyvenosi, kol beskambant Bethoveno 5 simfonijai į namus nepasibeldė jos motina.
Žodžiu, fantastiškas, pilnas absurdo, linksmosios išminties, komiškų situacijų filmas. Bet gražus, šviesus. Absoliučiai Alleno pasaulėžiūros filmas.
” Lord I've sinned, please forgive me!
Boris Yellnikoff: Why do all the religious psychotics wind up praying in my doorstep?”
” All I know is that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, so you may as well relax.”
“ Melodie St. Ann Celestine: Yeah, like what are you a genius at?
Boris Yellnikoff: Quantum Mechanics.
Melodie St. Ann Celestine: Yeah, but what field... Like music?“
” Melodie St. Ann Celestine: Well you see mama, Boris is a genius okay, he doesn't have a lot of patience for us inchworms.
Boris Yellnikoff: We, we inchworms! I was almost nominated for a Nobel Prize.
Melodie St. Ann Celestine: That's right Boris, and what was it for? Best Picture?”
” Randy: I dreamt about you last night.
Melodie St. Ann Celestine: Don't use that line, because Boris said he dreamt about me last night, and I really doubt that it's mathematically possible for me to be in two dreams at one time.”
” The human race. They've had to install automatic toilets in public restrooms, because people can't be entrusted to flush a toilet.”
” Have you ever heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle?
- I've heard of it, yeah.
- You know, the observer influences the experiment? It's just like when my mother makes love to one of the guys she's living with a certain way when they're alone, but when she's in front of the other guy, she does it differently.
- Is that Heisenberg? I had no idea he was so sexual.”
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