Cool made Hollydoowan thriller.
The film plot is based on a distortion of historical facts, legends, from whom a good detective was created. Talking as a movie, really good - driving into the action, you not always can understand who is good and who is bad. Beautifully filmed. And of course amazing Audrey Tautou.
Finally, I watched it, after all this craziness abaout the movie passed. Well, another motive was that I have a documentary film about the Da Vinci code. One minus was, that I had no subtitles (the Internet connection was lost during the movie), so I listened French texts in French :)
Kietai sukaltas holiduvinis trileris.
Filmo siužetas paremtas iškraipytais istoriniais faktais, legendomis ir sukurtas geras detektyvas. Vertinant kaip filmą, tikrai geras – įsuka į veiksmą, ne visada supranti, kuris geras, o kuris blogas. Gražiai nufilmuotas. Na ir žinoma nuostabioji Audrey Tautou.
Galų gale dabar jį pažiūrėjau, nuslūgus visam ažiotažui. Na ir dar paskatino turimas dokumentinis filmas apie šį Da Vinčio kodą. Šioks toks minusas, kad neturėjau subtitrų (internetas tuo metu buvo dingęs), tad prancūziškus tekstus klausiau prancūziškai :)
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